10 Signs that Every Parking Lot Should Have
When it comes to your own private property, you want to make sure that there is a plan in place for every possible situation. When that situation is in your parking lot, there are many areas to consider. There is your property to think of, along with visitors on foot, those in cars, and compliances that you may need to meet.
If left to govern themselves, all of these factors would lead to a chaotic situation. But, with careful planning and the right signage, your parking lot can stay clean, orderly, and safe.
These 10 signs can help you turn your parking lot in to a well-organized extension of your business.
1. Handicap Parking Signs
Reserving parking spots for disabled patrons is a necessity if you are to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). According to the Americans With Disabilities Act National Network, only one accessible parking space is required for parking lots with 25 or less total spaces. Each handicap parking spot should have an accompanying reserved parking sign.
The Federal Highway Administration has designed a handicap parking sign design for use in your parking lot, and some specific states have created ADA compliant designs with supplemental messages that need to be posted as well.
If you are not sure if your state has a specific sign to use, view our listing of handicap parking signs by state.
2. Fire Lane Signs
Depending on your lot, you may need to keep certain areas adjacent to the building clear for the fire department. Fire lanes must be kept clear at all times, and restricting parking here is a necessity.
These municipal quality signs are ideal for parking lots, garages or visitor areas, and will alert customers, visitors, and deliveries that the area should be kept clear.
3. Parking Prohibited Signs
While handicap parking spots and fire lanes are necessary for compliance and safety, there are many areas that you may not want people to park for your own convenience or policy needs. In these cases, a clear parking prohibited sign will express your needs.
These signs are perfect near entrances, loading zones, dumpsters, and other areas of your property where a parked vehicle would get in the way of business.
4. Customer Parking Signs
If you are going to designate areas where customers can not park due to specific compliances, then you could welcome them by saving spots specifically for them. These signs keep your parking lot from being used by neighboring businesses and keeps spots that employees might fill open for customers at peak hours of business.
Having reserved customer parking also displays your appreciation for their patronage, which often leads to customers returning to your business more often.
5. Directional Parking Signs
You may have all of the signs you need to direct drivers around your parking lot, but what can you do to first get them inside the lot?
Directional parking signs, with parking ahead messages and arrows that lead to your lot, are essential signs to literally drive people to your door.
These signs are also useful if parking is available behind your facility or in an adjacent lot.
6. Speed Limit Signs
Speed limit signs aren’t only for the street. Drivers looking for open parking spots or moving through private drives can easily lose track of their speed and become dangers to other people and property.
Posting speed limit signs, along with installing speed control devices like speed bumps, help to remind drivers that they are no longer on the open road, and that slower speeds should be observed.
7. Pedestrian Crossing Signs
Along with speed limit signs, pedestrian crossing signs can help to remind other drivers that your business’s visitors are actively walking back and forth from your facility and their vehicles.
These crossing signs can also be used in larger parking lots that may have parking areas separated by private roads.
8. Entrance and Exit Signs
Similar to the use of parking ahead signs, entrance and exit signs help to control the flow of traffic in your parking lot. By giving drivers clear direction, you can avoid mini traffic jams caused by cars going the wrong way or preforming U-turns.
Aid drivers and any pedestrians navigate through your property easily by installing our Parking Lot Entrance and Exit Signs.
9. Stop Signs
In addition to other traffic control measures, stop signs can prevent unsafe driving practices in your lot. Drivers will be less inclined to speed if they see an upcoming stop sign, and if used near loading zones, they can give delivery trucks an opportunity to enter and exit the loading dock.
Stop signs can also be posted at the exit of your lot. This reminds drivers to check the traffic around them, and to look for any nearby pedestrians that do not see vehicles leaving your parking lot.
10. Parking Lot Property Signs
Since your parking lot will cater to the vehicles of your visitors, it is obvious that most of the signage that you would need is traffic and parking related.These signs are just as important though, they aid by posting policies such as where head-in parking is needed, restrictions to solicitation, and security concerns.
Besides these 10 types of parking signs, traffic cones and impact resistant parking sign posts help to give your lot a professional look and an organized feel. Other parking accessories such as parking permits and violation tickets help you enforce your parking rules easily.
SafetySign.com does not recommend or specify the use of a specific safety sign because it does not have knowledge of the hazard(s) our customers are identifying. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to identify the hazard(s) that may be present and select one or more signs (stock or custom) that accurately identify their specific hazard(s) and complies with any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). SafetySign.com disclaims any and all liability (excluding liability for our Product Warranty contained in our Terms and Conditions) for any sign selected by a customer and shall not be responsible for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the use of signs purchased from it or for the independent interpretation made of any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, any worksite specific rules or regulations, and/or any applicable safety standards (including, without limitation, MUTCD standards). Customer shall indemnify and hold SafetySign.com and its corporate parent and its officers, directors, and affiliates harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, or expense (including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to the purchase and use by customer or any third party of any sign purchased by customer from SafetySign.com.