Product Information
These markers were developed to help contractors with the identification of ammonia component / equipment piping specified in IIAR's Recommended Guidelines Bulletin #114 2014 Revision.
1. Component markers will bear the name of the equipment they identify, e.g., RECEIVER, ACCUMULATOR, RECIRCULATOR, etc.
2. In addition, component markers will be provided with a pressure level designation.
Component markers will have BLACK letters on a SAFETY ORANGE field.
Pressure Level will be indicated by the word HIGH in RED letters or the word LOW in GREEN letters printed or applied flush with the right edge of the marker.
Brimar's component markers measure 24" x 3-1/2" and contain 2-1/2" high text.
Applying abbreviations of the names commonly given to components or equipment in an ammonia refrigeration system will assist the operator in identifying components and tracing system piping. In addition to the abbreviation, the use of a temperature or a pressure commonly associated with a particular line may further assist the operator.
COMMON COMPONENT/EQUIPMENT ABBREVIATIONS Component / Equipment Abbrev Accumulator (with/without int. coil) ACC Air Cooled Condenser AC Air Handling Unit AHU Air Unit AU Booster Compressor BC Controlled Pressure Receiver CPR Evaporative Condenser EC Heat Exchanger HEX High Pressure Receiver HPR High Stage Compressor HSC High Temperature Recirculator HTR Intercooler (with/without int. coil) IC Liquid Transfer Unit LTU Low Temperature Compressor LTC -
COMMON COMPONENT/EQUIPMENT ABBREVIATIONS Component / Equipment Abbrev Low Temperature Recirculator LTR Low Low Temp Recirculator LLTR Oil Pot OP Oil Separator OS Pilot Receiver PR Purger Unit PRG Refrigerant Pump RP Refrigerated Make-Up Air Unit RMAU Rooftop Air Unit RTU Surge Drum SD Swing Compressor SWC Thermosyphon Receiver TSR Water Cooled Condenser WC