Common Fire Code Violations

Running a business can seem overwhelming with so many different aspects to manage. At times, it’s easy to let some aspects get overlooked, especially if you’re not using them regularly. This type of lackadaisical approach is often how fire code violations occur.

Staying in compliance with fire codes can be easily avoided with just a few reminders to employees and training them on the proper procedures involved. Below you’ll find some common fire code violations to keep in mind:

Blocked Exits and Locked Doors

A Notice Do Not Block Door Sign

It may seem simple, but blocking exits and the pathways to exits is a common fire code violation. It’s all too easy to store excess merchandise, deliveries, or other items in front of exit doors that are not frequently used. However, all emergency exit doors, hallways, pathways, and stairways must be kept clear of debris.

In addition to keeping your exit routes unobstructed, occupants must be able to open all exits quickly and easily. Occupants should not have to use a special tool, key, or have any special knowledge of how to open an exit door to safely leave the building.

Exit Signs That Aren’t Visible

All exit signs need to be illuminated and placed in a position so people can quickly and easily identify fire exits. Likewise, emergency lights and illuminated signs must be tested monthly to ensure they work properly.

Unmaintained Fire Extinguishers

All fire extinguishers should be inspected and serviced annually by a certified and professional fire protection company. After every use, they should be refilled and inspected. Ignoring inspections and maintenance is one of the most common violations.

It’s also vital to ensure your company has the proper type and quantity of fire extinguishers in place for the specific hazards in the area. Additionally, they should be easily accessible and clearly marked.

Unmaintained Fire Alarm and Fire Protection System

Like extinguishers, all fire alarms and their components should be tested annually by a professional fire protection company. Moreover, a licensed company should also inspect all aspects of the fire protection system, including, but not limited to, the sprinkler system, standpipes, and fire pumps. A written log of the inspections should be available. The fire alarm pull station should not be blocked and must remain visible. Smoke detectors should be in good working order.

Now that you know some of the most common fire code violations, it’s time to learn the rest and then educate employees. Again, many of these are easily avoidable once you know what to look for.



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