How to Improve Parking Lot Safety

Speed Bump Sign

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), more than 50,000 car accidents occur in parking lots, resulting in over 500 fatalities and more than 60,000 injuries. Unsurprisingly, parking lots become even more treacherous during the holiday season, with a massive spike in reported accidents on Black Friday through December. Since there are so many accidents each year, we know that improvements can be made. The following are just a couple of ways to improve parking lot safety and reduce the number of accidents.

Control the Flow of Traffic

Parking lot owners and engineers can help reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents by installing the proper traffic control devices. Posting certain Parking Lot Traffic Signs, such as No Left Turn or One Way, can help prevent cars from driving in the wrong direction or holding up traffic at exits, thus minimizing the risk of accidents. Furthermore, they can create safer intersections and reduce vehicle collisions by posting MUTCD Stop Signs at all unsignalized intersections.

Designate Parking Areas

Privately owned parking lots should organize their parking spaces to designate reserved areas for those in need and also block off parking in fire lanes and unsafe areas. Furthermore, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires parking lot owners to post the correct amount of Handicap Parking signs – ensuring all guests are accommodated and safe.

Control Speed

The higher the speeds traveled in a parking lot, the more likely it is that a serious accident will occur. Post Speed Limit signs to keep drivers at reduced speeds while in the parking lot. You can further prevent speeding by utilizing and taking advantage of speed bumps and speed humps.

Create Safe Crosswalks

Well-designed pedestrian walkways serve two purposes: first, the use of Pedestrian Crossing signs make drivers aware of pedestrian traffic so they can anticipate stopping ahead of time. Second, by having crosswalks, it will help remind pedestrians that they are safest when they walk in designated areas. The latter will hopefully stop people from conflicting with vehicle traffic and reduce the number of car accidents involving pedestrians.

By simply adding some of these suggestions, parking lots can become safer for drivers and pedestrians alike. Together, we can reduce the number of fatalities and injuries.

For more information on how to improve parking lot safety, please read “10 Signs that Every Parking Lot Should Have.”




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