Where Does A School Zone Start and End?

School Zone SignMost of us have encountered School Zone signs before, but how many of us actually know where a school zone begins and ends? While the specifics may vary from state to state, in accordance with New Jersey law, a school zone can typically be delineated through two primary criteria: student crosswalks and school grounds.

Measuring School Zones

In general, school zones should start at the school door and include surrounding nearby blocks with areas densely populated with children. A simple way to identify the boundaries of a school zone is by looking out for school zone signage in both directions. By doing so, you can typically discern where a school zone begins and ends. For example, if you are traveling north and you see a school zone sign, then you know you’re entering the zone. You can tell when you are leaving the zone by observing where the sign is on the opposite side of the road (the sign for drivers heading south). Since there is no one-size-fits-all instruction, school zone areas are specific to each campus.

School Boundaries

School boundaries are probably what most people think of when they imagine a school zone. So, let’s start there and work backward. A school’s boundaries would be the speed zone applied to roads that border a school or playground. The reduced school speed limit, unless otherwise specified, is 25 mph and begins and ends 200 feet from the edge of the school or playground property. The 200-foot distance increases if the reduced school speed limit is 30 mph.

Student Crosswalks

Meanwhile, in the first scenario, the beginning and end points of a school speed limit zone are determined based on the location of student crosswalks. Although these crosswalks are typically at or near a school, they could also be part of a designated school route, and the 200-foot speed limit reduction applies in each crosswalk direction.

Essentially, school zones serve an important purpose: enhancing the safety of children in the area. When you see children near a school, it’s safe to assume you’re in or close to a school zone. Regardless, pay close attention to school speed limit signage and adapt your driving habits accordingly.

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